Thursday, July 18, 2013

Kids Focus Team - Day 2

Today was our first full day at the Ebenezer Prepatory School. Our funniest moment of the day has to be the reaction on the kids faces and they saw Crystal (the comedian of the group) wearing a fake mustache. We have some pretty great pictures of the kids now with their very own fake mustaches. We then went to our classes and began to help teaching. I again taught a little bit of geometry and then Ashley taught about germs and sanitation. The teacher we are working with is Daniel, he is 24 and amazing at teaching these children. We can tell he genuinely loves them, wants them to learn, and also know the love of Christ. I am so thankful Ashley and I have been able to learn from him and also help out with his class. Walking around and helping the children draw geometric objects and count the number of edges was oddly very fun!We then of course had the chance to play and let these kids be kids. We pulled out some beach balls, bubbles, crafts, and even some nail polish. As I sat there painting the nails of these girls I immediately thought of Macey, my six year old sister from home. I love coming home from school, sitting with her on the couch, and painting her nails hot pink. Sitting on a bench half way around the world doing the same thing was such a sweet moment for me.Our team is healthy and doing well. We have successfully recovered from jet lag and are all having a great time with each other, we sure have shared lots of laughs over the course of this trip. Please pray that we would continue to be flexible and obedient to everything God is asking of us. Sorry this blog is super long but there was just too much to share with you all. Thanks for following along with us.

On behalf of the team, Kelsey Thomasson

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